Young consumers and Fish Forward

“But what do fish, sustainability, and developing countries have to do with me?” – asked a 16 year old recently.

This might be the first reaction for many young people when it comes to the themes of the Fish Forward project, and it’s exactly this question that Generation Earth, WWF Austria’s network for young people, will explore this coming year (2015/2016) in its Action Leader Training. Generation Earth has been working with young adults for the past 5 years to organize various trainings, international events, and youth-led action projects.

At the heart of the Fish Forward Young Consumers program is the 9-month youth empowerment and leadership training that will gather twenty young Austrians between the ages of 15-25 who will participate in 5 intense and life-changing trainings, whose main themes focus on:

  • Leadership skills,
  • Project and campaign development and implementation, and
  • Environmental and social topics under the heading “OUR global FOODprint.”

The actual training topics will be selected by the participants and WWF staff during the kickoff weekend September 30 – October 4, 2015.

Reaching out around the world

The training and action projects will not only involve youth from Austria, but will reach out to youth from other countries around the world both virtually and through face-to-face contact.

Connect with WWF-Austria’s Generation Earth!

Are you interested in connecting with Generation Earth and getting involved? Let us know!

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