The roles of women must be reinforced in EU marine policies
On this year’s World Maritime Day, whose theme was “Empowering Women in the Maritime Community”, the WWF European Policy Office (EPO) launched a new policy brief directed to EU decision makers, but whose messages are relevant for leaders worldwide.
European Fish Dependence Day: Europe runs out of fish
Today is European Fish Dependence Day, the moment when the EU has used up all its own seafood resources and must rely entirely on imports for the rest of the year to meet demand. This year it falls about a whole month earlier than in 2000. Illegal fishing and...
Reasons to enjoy sustainable fish this Ash Wednesday
WWF Seafood Guide provides fish recommendations and recipes Upcoming Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Eating fish instead of meat is highly popular during the six week period of abstinence and fasting until Easter celebrations. Lenten season boosts seafood...
World Food Day: Fish gone, people gone
Oceans heavily overfished – 800 million people depend on fish for food and income
Europe driving Change in Developing Countries – Sustainable Tuna from the Philippines
WWF research on the socio-economic and environmental benefits of WWF’s Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) in the Philippines revealed the positive effects of European market driven changes towards sustainable development in developing countries.
Analysis: Import controls in key EU member states inadequate for barring illegal seafood
Disparities and weaknesses in import controls in key member states of the European Union mean illegally caught fish can still slip through the net and into EU supply chains, according to an analysis published today by the Environmental Justice Foundation, Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts and WWF.
WWF Report: Uncertain future forecast for millions of people who depend on fish for protein
A new report on the future of global fish supply commissioned by WWF-Germany concludes that by 2050, millions of people in developing countries might not be able to afford fish, which currently constitutes a major source of food and protein.
Fish Dependence Day: Europe relies on imports for the rest of the year
As of today, Europe relies on fish and seafood imports for the rest of the year in order to meet consumption demand.
WWF welcomes EU campaign to tackle crisis of Mediterranean fish stocks, calls for urgent and collective action
In April the EU Commission unveiled its new campaign #MedFish4ever, with the European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, urging the fishing sector to address the unprecedented crisis in the Mediterranean. WWF welcomes this initiative to join forces for the future of fish stocks and fishermen in the region.
Tough EU illegal fishing legislation needs stronger implementation to reach full potential, say NGOs
The European Union’s regulation to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing has made an impact, but implementation must be more robust to ensure that no illegal fish enter the European market, according to an analysis published today by the Environmental Justice Foundation, Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts and WWF.
Fish Forward at the Milan EXPO 2015
WWF’s Fish Forward project will be presented at the Milan EXPO 2015. Between 18th and 25th October, a very unique booth will introduce visitors to the fish world.
World Food Day: WWF warns of negative impact on humans and nature due to overfishing
Global social and environmental impacts of EU fish consumption at the focus
WWF presents “ugly” advertising campaign
Provocative ads raise awareness of sustainable seafood consumption throughout Europe
“Nothing’s as ugly as overfishing”
WWF’s Fish Forward campaign raises awareness of sustainable fish consumption